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Rodeo Personnel

Bullfighter Dusty Tuckness

Bullfighter Dusty Tuckness

Dusty Tuckness is returning to the Horse Heaven Round-Up, Dusty has worked the Wrangler National Finals rodeo 14 times and has been voted PRCA Bullfighter of the Year 11 times! His dad was a bullfighter, so the rodeo life was nothing new to him.

Bullfighter Nate Jestes

Nate Jestes was accepted into the PRCA in 2010 and his career quickly accelerated. Nate has worked the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo 5 times and has been nominated for bullfighter of the year 8 times. We are happy to welcome him back.

Bullfighter Nate Jestes

Bullfighter Miles Barry

Bullfighter Miles Barry

Miles Barry was 13 when he decided to follow in his father Rowdy Barry’s footsteps and become a bullfighter. Miles moved up the ranks from fighting at high school rodeos to college to amateur and now professionally.

Barrelman JJ Harrison

Always a crowd favorite, Walla Walla’s JJ Harrison is one of the top barrelmen in the business. With a prestigious resume that includes stints at the NFR and being selected five times as the barrelman at the RAM National Circuit Finals Rodeo—considered the second highest honor in the industry—JJ Harrison brings unparalleled energy and entertainment to the arena. Beyond his rodeo talents, JJ, a former school teacher, extends his impact beyond the arena by leading anti-bullying education programs in local schools.
JJ Harrison

Announcer Roger Mooney

Announcer Roger Mooney

It would hardly feel like the Horse Heaven Round-Up Rodeo without Roger Mooney’s resonant voice filling the arena. Over his impressive 27-year tenure here, Mooney has witnessed firsthand the rodeo’s transformation into one of the nation’s premier events. Hailing from Elijay, Georgia, Roger infuses the event with a Southern charm that adds a unique touch. Mooney’s extensive experience includes announcing at NFR seven times, including most recently in 2023, showcasing his exceptional talent and deep connection to the world of rodeo.

ProWest Scoreboard

ProWest Scoreboards

2024 Wrangler girls

Flag Carriers - The 2024 Wrangler Girls

HorseBack: Haylee Hartzell, Montana Alonso, Addasyn Burrill, Madison Eastman, Abbie Smith
Standing: Jorden Smith, Sagun Freeman, Emma Mauseth, Shyla Stiles, Summer Reisenauer, Taylor Sorbel
Middle Row: Nicole Johnson, Susan Roehl, Morgan Wiese, Tierra Davies, Kelci McKenna, Dakota Flora
Front Row: Wendy Ralston & McKenzie Lookabill

Pro Rodeo Sound

Pro Rodeo Sound, LLC is owned and operated by Jason Buchanan who has a lifetime of experience in rodeo and 15 years of experience providing sound and music for rodeos, bull ridings, and equine sports throughout the country.
Pro Rodeo Sound


Rough Stock: Calgary Stampede Ranch, Bridwell Pro Rodeo, Cory & Lange Rodeo, Outlaw Buckers

Rodeo Secretary: Allison Whitsett

Timers: Stacey Jo Dowton & Molly Twitchell

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